The main reason is eating too much fat, together with lack of exercise, Western advocate an immediate weight loss diet and exercise; while the Chinese maintain that by stimulating acupuncture points or positions, strong appetite suppression, weight loss from the root.
Suppress appetite, and parts of a lot of points, here to tell you about the back and palm of the hand and other parts more easily stimulated.
One is the back of the central diameter of 3 cm or so of "chest area" part. There is also a side in the palm of your hand, food correction to the bottom of the thumb that the root of the "stomach, spleen, large intestine area" part. Squeeze pressure before every meal forced the two parts would gastrointestinal function, and suppress appetite naturally.
However, need special attention, if not large enough to stimulate the intensity of pain is no effect. Because knead or massage to these areas, but will promote gastrointestinal function, resulting in appetite.
To this end, we can use what gadgets around. Palm of the "stomach, spleen, large intestine area" available plastic card, or paper clamps, to boost results. (Metal products too painful, should be avoided)
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